Reasons maybe why your marriage is falling apart

Marriage is a lifelong commitment, and it’s something you have to work at every day. There will be ups and downs in your marriage no matter how much you love each other. But sometimes, there are things that can break up your marriage. ƒIf you feel like your marriage is beginning to fall apart, here are the four most common reasons why:
1. Money Problems
Money problems are one of the biggest causes of divorce. It doesn’t matter if you’re making good money or bad – if you don’t have enough money for bills and groceries, you’re going to start arguing about what to do with the money you do have.
The first thing you should do when you get into a fight over money is take a deep breath and talk through your arguments with your partner. You may find that they aren’t as serious about their point as you thought. If this isn’t working, then you both need to sit down and come up with a budget that works for everyone.
2. Infidelity
According to a study by the National Center on Family Relations, more than half of all women (54%) and men (56%) surveyed reported being unfaithful at least once in their lifetime. If an affair happens, the first reaction for many people is to get angry and hurt. They might even want to end the relationship, but that’s not always the best choice.
There are two ways to handle infidelity:
Get mad at your partner. They cheated, so you get mad at them! The problem is, anger rarely solves anything. When you’re angry, it makes communication difficult; if you’re angry, you tend to shut down, which makes it hard to explain yourself. What’s worse, you become less empathetic and compassionate towards your partner, which puts distance between you.
Talk to your partner honestly. Tell them that you know they cheated. Make sure you give them time to apologize for cheating and tell you how sorry they are. Also make sure you discuss the possible consequences of infidelity. For example, if your partner is having an affair with someone else, you could ask them if they would be willing to cut off contact with their mistress. And if your partner wants to continue seeing their mistress, you can agree to put an “estrangement period” in place. During this time, you can stay friends with your partner, but you can’t see them.
3. Bad Communication Skills
It seems like common sense, but many couples don’t communicate well. They argue or yell instead of asking questions or listening to each other’s points. If you don’t communicate effectively, you can’t resolve conflicts. If you don’t resolve conflicts, you can’t solve problems together. And if you can’t solve problems, you can’t grow your relationship.
Communication skills require practice. Start by talking about the important things in your life, like family, hobbies, and goals. Then, go deeper – share your emotions, feelings, and opinions. Once you understand each other better, you can talk more freely about sensitive topics like finances, sex, and relationships. Keep practicing until you reach a comfortable level of understanding.
4. Lack of Intimacy
Intimacy is another key factor in successful marriage. You can have the hottest sex ever, the most satisfying relationship ever – but if you don’t have intimacy, those things are meaningless. Without intimacy, sex becomes routine and boring, and a relationship grows stale.
Intimacy takes time to build, so you have to be patient. You can’t expect to be intimate every single day, so make a conscious effort to keep the spark alive. Try these tips to increase your sexual connection:
Schedule sex. Don’t wait until you think the right moment presents itself. Instead, set aside time every week for sex. Be specific about where, when, and how often you’ll meet.
Make eye contact during foreplay. Look at your partner while he or she undresses, caresses, or strokes you. Don’t look away for too long, though. Look back at your partner occasionally, as a way of showing interest in his or her body. Remember, you’re both naked, so you shouldn’t be afraid to show affection.
Be affectionate in public. When you’re out shopping, eating lunch, or just walking around town, use touch as a form of verbal communication. Touching your partner gently and intimately shows him or her that you care and that you’re interested in their physical well-being.